I read a blog by Carl a couple of days ago and something struck me that I never fully realized. Carl quoted the hymn "Nearer, Still Nearer" as I will do now
"Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart
Draw me, my Savior, so precious Thou art
Fold me, O fold me close to Thy breast
Shelter me safe in that haven of rest
Shelter me safe in that haven of rest"
What struck me was that the language used here is so backwards from what I hear both in my prayers and the prayers of those around me. So often I'm praying "Lord, come into my life. Draw close to me so that I may feel your presence." But it's the other way around in this song. So I looked through our church's songbook to discover that the same language used in "Nearer, Still Nearer" is found in many other songs as well.
"Nearer my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
E'en tho it be a cross that raiseth me;
Still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to Thee!"
- "Nearer, My God, to Thee"
"Nearer the cross, my heart can say, I am coming nearer
Nearer the cross from day to day, I am coming nearer
Nearer the cross where Jesus died,
Nearer the fountain's crimson tide,
Nearer my Savior's wounded side,
I am coming nearer, I am coming nearer"
-"Nearer the Cross"
I've heard this lesson before, but never did I realize how backwards I was thinking about my nearness to the Lord and how that manifested it self in my prayers. I suspect my actions were affected too. I have heard a million times that when we feel abandoned that it was not the Lord who moved away but rather us who retreated from Him. But it's so much more than that! God already tore the down the curtain that separated me from Him (Matthew 27:50-51). He sent His Son not just as the ultimate sacrifice but to be the bridge that still creates a pathway between my Lord and I today! Even when we are feeling good about life and are walking along the narrow path it is never God who should draw near to us (He's already done that!), but rather us who are continually drawing near to Him. Even in the good times it is not Him who has moved or needs to move. The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8), and it is I who must change.
When I pray, "God come close to me" it is like me saying to a water fountain, "Hey I'm thirsty why don't you break off the wall and come over to me." Obviously if it did that it would be severing itself from the supply of water. But rather then only way to stay where I am and yet receive water is to have someone bring it to me. And Jesus did! He is the living water! (John 4:10) But he doesn't just bring me a cup, but invites me to get off my lazy bum and follow him back to the source (Revelation 7:17).
"Jesus, keep me near the cross: there a precious fountain,
Free to all, a healing stream, flows from Calv'ry's mountain!"
15 years ago
Good stuff bro. Good stuff indeed. That is one of my all time favorites 'cause the music is just as beautiful as the words. Bravo. =) And nice background by the way!
Aww, boo to missing the retreat!! You should at least come out on Saturday and play for a bit!
You continually amaze me. I look forward to reading and being encouraged by many blogs here in the future.
Ti Voglio Bene, fratello mio
Thank you, thank you, and thank you! That Jesus really knows how to make me feel good!
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